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Ca denial of reunification svcs?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:27 am
by xorachellynn
My question is, I have a history with cps. More recently I just had a baby and me and baby both came up positive for amphetamipones. I understand cps can take my child at that point, but at the staffing today they ried to telk me that they can put my daughter straight into adoption without even giving me the option to go through reunification serviced case plan. I am willing to do whatever it takes but if they dont even give me an option I think it is wrong. Is there some kjnd.of law that can prevent tgem from being able to do that?

Re: Ca denial of reunification svcs?

Posted: Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:11 am
by whosechildrenarethey
This will take to you to a link that goes over involuntary termination of parental rights by state:

There is no clear cut answer to your question based on your comment. There simply is not enough information on your past history with the department to know. Federal law mandates that the department is supposed to make reasonable efforts to reunite a family BEFORE they move to terminate parental rights, however there are exceptions. Hopefully, reviewing your states TPR requirements weighed against your prior history with the department will help you determine an answer to your own question.

Re: Ca denial of reunification svcs?

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:03 pm
by monkette31
It's called a bypass, they bypass re-unification in California and can invent reasons to do so. I've seen them do this once to a woman who they TOLD to take her child to the doctor. After the woman did, DCFS then claimed she was medically abusing the child by taking her/him to too many medical appointments and then bypassed her re-unification and gave full custody to the father.

Google reasons to bypass reunification in California.