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Court Order visitations

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:02 am
by wiststar
what happens to a foster parent who refuses to follow court order visitations with biological parent. I feel like the foster mom will violate it just to take my daughter to see a movie instead when I said I would rather see my daughter on my visitation day. I would also like to know are foster parents government officials?

Re: Court Order visitations

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:56 am
by whosechildrenarethey

You asked: "what happens to a foster parent who refuses to follow court order visitations with biological parent." -

Nothing if no one brings it to the courts attention. Have you discussed this with your Case Manager? If you have an Attorney have you discussed this with him/her?

If you have and nothings changed then you may want to consider motioning the court to show cause.

Either you or your Attorney if you have one, can motion the court to show cause why the court ordered visitations are not happening.

The best way to find out about Foster Parents is to look up your States CPS policy and procedures.

Re: Court Order visitations

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:03 am
by heavyaaron
First off, I want to mention that I am a foster parent, so that you know the position from which I speak.

wiststar wrote:what happens to a foster parent who refuses to follow court order visitations with biological parent. I feel like the foster mom will violate it just to take my daughter to see a movie instead when I said I would rather see my daughter on my visitation day.

That's crazy. I cannot imagine any foster parent causing a missed visit. In your position I would be outraged. You definitely need to let the court know and your CPS case manager. Obviously things differ by jurisdiction, but where I am even threatening to prevent a visitation (even if just an empty bluff) is a violation of our contract. I would think there's a chance of a legal charge against us if we pulled something like that.

It's also weird in that it's not in my interests. That would cause the child(ren) to go nuts to miss a visit. One of the worst things I have to deal with is missed visits. Why would I even bring that upon myself deliberately?

Also, is the foster parent acting as your visit supervisor? If not, how is the foster parent preventing a visit (logistically speaking)?

I would also like to know are foster parents government officials?

I suppose a government official could also be a foster parent. But if your question is, is a foster parent, by virtue of being a foster parent, a government official, the answer is a resounding "no." Now, foster laws very widely by jurisdiction, but I'm fairly sure this is true in all jurisdictions. I see the foster parents as one of the many services for the birth parents provided to try to get things back to a position where the birth parents are fit, the living conditions safe, etc. so that the children can reunify. That makes us on the same team as consolers, therapists, etc. We do not answer to the state, the birth parents, or anyone else. We work towards a common goal with the various parties, mentoring the birth parents, working with the children's therapists, providing updates to the case workers, and so forth. It's a hectic set of responsibilities, but we do have the freedom of ultimately only representing the children's best interests as we view them.

Re: Court Order visitations

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2014 8:22 am
by Whomperdoodle
Former foster parent agreeing with the above post.