here is a idea of what to do with CPS/DCS

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here is a idea of what to do with CPS/DCS

Postby Anonymous » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:15 pm

Handcuff them all and put them on every side walk in our states or towns with signs on them that i am a kidnapper of children and i don't feel bad about it.

I wonder what the CPS employees have to say about this,and speaking of ALL of the CPS employees that are snooping on this forum they haven't had alot to say why.

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Postby DontBiteMyNose » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:18 pm

You'd definitely get in trouble for false arrest! Don't do anything stupid, it would make the cause of freedom that much more difficult. A better thing to do is have one of your protesters either rent or buy a Nazi uniform and put a plackard with a string around their neck with a sign that says something like,

"I vork for ze CPS"

Give the protester in the Nazi/CPS uniform a megaphone and speak like a Nazi henchman, baiting and irritating their minions outside of the department office. When a family happens to walk by, tell them in that aweful/sarcastic German Nazi accent to go inside the building, "They Vant To Talk Zu you, do not vorry, ve vill vear rubber gloves vhen ve strip zearch your baby!"

Unfortunately, I assume that the majority of American families just want to be left alone and don't deal with CPS after they are through with them - the stress is too much.


Postby Anonymous » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:26 pm

Thats good.Or can we handcuff them to the nazi?

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Postby DontBiteMyNose » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:40 pm

Nope, cannot do that, either. The Nazi is the symbol of CPS. Better yet, get a dozen people in nazi uniforms. Get a boombox and play Darth Vader's theme song (called 'Imperial March') everytime a known Caseworker leaves the building. Nonviolent protests is the only way to go. Remember, nonviolence and non-cooperation...only cooperate if your attorney tells you to. Be prepared to be arrested and jailed. Always get all necessary permits to protest. The permits are not a permit to protest per se, it's a document to notify the police to protect all parties involved and direct traffic, thats all. Idle people have never made a change in history. Ghandi won India's freedom that way. A whole country.

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Postby Momoffor » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:49 pm

I dont think that the nazi uniform or nazi idea would go over well AT ALL. In fact you might end up in legal trouble for it.
That is still way too fresh of a subject to use as a poltical symbol, no matter what the underlying message is.
You would end up creating more hatred towards yourself than you would CPS for being insensitive to survivors and their families.

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Postby DontBiteMyNose » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:51 pm

The 'legal' trouble you speak of is possible, but, not prosecutable per the 1st Amendment. Agreed, many people would not understand the parody. It's a risk protesting, indeed. Now, if the media were there to interview, and it's highly possible they would, I'm sure the protesters' intentions would be stated, but, I'm sure it would piss off a lot of people.

Of course, one could protest in regular clothing and it's likely people would only drive by and yawn. A Jewish friend of mine thought it was a marvelous idea. By no means am I endorsing any anti-semitism, quite the antithesis. I'm sure any reasonable Jew would understand the similarities in those organizations; hit lists, targeting specific economic groups, targeting minorities.

Then again, some would never get it. Hey, who ever said making changes is like going for fast food?

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Postby Momoffor » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:02 pm

Im Jewish and I wouldnt like it one bit. I would call the cops for public disturbance as I wouldnt want my children to see something like that not now, not ever, and quite frankly, I dont know anyone that I associate with who is alsp Jewish who would be accepting in the idea either. It is not a positive way to get your point across.

Thats what I was trying to say without comming out and saying it. Its too offensive and distracts from the true point that you would be trying to make.

You might as well dress up an African American doll hanging from a tree with a sign around its neck saying I am a victim of CPS, with your friends standing around in white bed sheets with signs around their necks that say I work for CPS. Its offensive, morally incorrect, and just wrong. There are other ways to get your point across rather than border on the offensive, and delicate subjects.

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Postby DontBiteMyNose » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:06 pm

You woulden't need to call the police, as the protesters should have already had their permits in hand before the event. Sure, it would make some people angry and a lot would not understand. Sure, there are other ways of getting one's point across, like connecting with others on this website and different forms of protest. I guess one cannot satisfy everyone. Personally, what I find offensive and derelict is the letters people write to officials only to have it ignored or pushed onto someone else. Tell me, how would you protest?


Postby Anonymous » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:32 pm

Just get a sign and go stand out in front or on the street corner by the stop light like the homeless do (which is legal) if they can do it so can we.And protest out there.It doesn't matter what religion you are or race everybody can come join the protest.

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ways to protest

Postby DesertSkye » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:38 pm

I have both Jewish blood among family and relatives and American Indian as well as African American

I guess it all depends on how you look at it as I would not take offense to it

Because it is exactly how bad they are and it would get my attention

I would want to know what in the heck are they doing

and I would hope they had a brochure to hand to me

and when done reading I would realize

The KKK is here among us
Hitler is alive in America
The mafia are among us

They just call themselves a different name and wear different clothing

I would realize that I a red blooded american no matter what my background is

am living a false freedom then I would pack up my family and get the hell out of dodge before they got me

Like the lucky ones in Germany who saw it coming and left before it was too late

Now I am like the ones left behind too late and I would pat the person on the back and give them a bear hug to be so brave as to stand out in public and give us a voice as to what is really happening

May God have mercy on all of us and give us a SCHINDLER, a MOSES, A GHANDI, a Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman,............

my two cents...not judging anyone......... :wink:
Last edited by DesertSkye on Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby rockdundee » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:48 pm

DontBiteMyNose wrote:
"I vork for ze CPS"

"They Vant To Talk Zu you, do not vorry, ve vill vear rubber gloves vhen ve strip zearch your baby!"

Well I got the parody. And although I see how it can upset some people, and how MOST people wouldn't get it. I thought that it was as funny as hell. I was literally crying I was laughing so hard.

If me finding that funny offends some people I am sorry. Sometimes to make a change you have to ruffle a few feathers. Upset an apple cart or two to get noticed. Even the most uptight, stiff-necked, politically correct person amongst us here must see the similarities between the two organizations (CPS/NAZIS). And while I share your distaste for what they stand for and what they have done,c'mon, that sh*t was funny.
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Postby DontBiteMyNose » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:49 pm

I'm sorry, but, standing outside with a sign like a homeless person would does not attract attention of the populace nor the media. I wasn't advocating any kind of racism or prejudice, just the opposite. I'd invite anyone of any race, color, religion, socio-economic status. Protesting in that kind of garb is about getting attention, not looking like you're asking for money on the corner of I35 and Burnet Road.
Last edited by DontBiteMyNose on Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Postby Anonymous » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:50 pm

LOL your right they might as well be the KKK,Hitler.I myself am part Indian,german,italian,actually grandpa told me years ago I am 57 heinz variety.So i guess i have everything in me.My bio dad was a full Itailian and so was his dad.So,when they mess with people that are known to be strong and verbal and full of fight.They just don't how what us parents will do to fight for what is rightfully ours and not theirs.They can go have their own children.


Postby Guest » Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:43 am

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Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:48 am

thank you,your welcome.And i myselfhave some german in me.And awhole bunch of other stuff too,especially when dad and geandpa are full italian.hehe

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Postby Dazeemay » Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:02 am

I had a great time with it too!

It helped to get me out of the bad mood I was in and to get back to all the goals of winning our granddaughter back.

We can't handcuff them personally but years ago they use to make these image dolls to look like yourself or a fav movie star or singer.

We could handcuff them that way Angel but, then they would get us for littering.
This is not legal advice;hopefully wisdom

To put it in simple terms…when the authorities ARE the perpetrators and the perpetrators ARE the authorities, there is no earthly justice or recourse, at the end of the day (unless the American people wake up).

Therefore, those who have achieved the highest levels of power seek to ‘enjoy’ the most grievous and extreme injustices. For many of those in the highest circles of power, the greatest statement of power is to perpetrate the greatest possible injustice…the savage, brutal traumatization and abuse of an innocent child. MattTwoFour

"Ultimately, the law is only as good as the judge" --- D.X. Yue, 2005, in "law, reason and judicial fraud";site_id=1;objid=45;curloc=Site:1


Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:21 am

"I am a kidnapper of children"

we can make dolls and dress them the way we want and also hang sign around their necks

With a picture of him as above,no offense to anyone i hope.

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Postby sedwards » Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:47 am

Youll just made me think of something . They fight to close abortion clinics , cause they are killing unborn children . And it gets in the media. What about these people killing our children . Why cant that get attention Think about it .. They have even blew a few of them up .. I know we cant blow up dcf (or can we _ :twisted: no.
But people protect this and that out there why cant we .. but not on street corners kepp doing it the way it has been done in front of political buliding governors office . Anywhere there is alots of traffic and lots of people Picketing dcf in some ares dont work cause they are hidden within other buildings . But we need to get out billboards and flyers in stores ... Cause as we see it isnt stopping ... And they say cok fighting is illegal cause they hurt a chicken .. we eat chicken well i do .. these are our kids they are hurting not chiken and not dogs . These are people with feelings


Postby Guest » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:02 am

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Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:04 am

true,why do the abortion clinics get in the news and not these agencies?like the pic.I also talked to the missouri senators today and discussed both issues cps and sex offenders.


Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:16 am

It is true.if we don't bow down to them like Hitler they take our children and hold them prisoners.and we are held prisoners too.We just need to bring this to the eyes of the media,i have already contacted one of the media here.


Postby Guest » Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:20 am

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Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:33 pm

hum,lets see....well,i can't tell either...maybe its both? look at this

Hitler could rationalize that it was good for the German people to weed out the
... The amendment, added to a restructuring of Child Protective Services, ...

if this isn't too true

CPS (Child Protective Services) has become the Gestapo arm of the ... 10/00 -
Hitler's Special Children". The Socialist, Feminihilist reign in the US ... ... 020325.htm
Last edited by Anonymous on Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby havehope » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:44 pm

Jumping in here. I changed my ID. I am homeschooling Ds from now on. Found a good program, now just waiting to start. Anyway, don't forget to add Stalin to the list. He murdered more than Hitler did. Love the Hitler/Bush picture. Made me laugh.


Postby Anonymous » Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:46 pm

Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:21 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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