Redeclaration of Independence

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Redeclaration of Independence

Postby sob900 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:26 am


All thirteen free and independent, sovereign states of America, excepting the sovereign Indian nations, were in agreement in making the original Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. The people then, as the people now, have once again gathered the courage to liberate themselves from the bondage of foreign “rule.”
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a nation, a band or tribe of people, or an sovereignty individual, to declare themselves free from the imposed “rule” of another, then it is common decency to explain the reasons or grounds for the declaration. This is such an explanation.

Statement of unalienable rights and natural law

We the People believe these truths to be self-evident, to be so obvious as to require no further proof. That all people, men and women, regardless of race, sex, creed, or color are created with equal rights under the principles of natural law.
We the People believe the Creator gives all of us certain unalienable rights that cannot be taken away. These unalienable rights are above and beyond the privileges any government may grant under statutory law. Among these unalienable rights are life, liberty, property, family, community and the freedom to enjoy the pursuit of happiness.
To secure and protect unalienable rights and property for all the people, governments are created for one purpose and one purpose alone. To protect the rights and property of the people and to defend this sacred trust.
Sovereignty is the source of authority from which all governments are created. We the People, organized in a republican form of government, are the sovereign power from which all laws and governments arise.
If a government thusly formed by the sovereign people continually and without redress of grievances provided by law abuses its power or usurps the public trust, We the People retain the unalienable right, the duty as a sovereign people to alter, reform or abolish such a government and form a new government once again in alignment under the principles of natural law.
UnCOMMON SENSE knows an established government should not though be overthrown for petty reasons. However, it is often the nature of human beings to tolerate mistreatment and grow accustomed to tyranny rather than risk replacing a repressive and uncompassionate master.
Government may be a necessary, unpredictable evil, but at certain times a government will go too far and abuse the unalienable rights of its people.
At the turn of the millennium, the American people are realizing that the federal United States government has lied, cheated, stolen, and abused its own people for generations. The American people are more afraid of their own government than enemies abroad or domestic criminals.
The natural law expression of our liberties and our unalienable rights secured by the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are too often perceived as a threat by our government. Unlawful, corrupt, immoral and unconscionable activities of a government out of control have reached into the lives of all Americans.
When this happens as it is today, We the People have a right and duty to abolish the current government and form a new one that will protect our unalienable rights and property, preserve our liberties and uphold the public trust.
Through this “Re-Declaration of Independence,” We the People may once again become a free, sovereign people. We the People may reclaim our sovereignty, without hesitation, in any one of the several states of the constitutional Republic.

Cause for action

The following is the stated cause for action by the former thirteen colonies, now forty-eight sovereign states, fifty federal States and the territories of the United States of America.
We the People have suffered patiently, petitioning our government for redress of grievances without remedy, recourse or response for decades. We the People conclude at this time that we must alter, reform or abolish this government. We can no longer accept the unlimited “rule” of the federal United States government beholden and loyal only to its creditors and the foreign powers controlling them. We the People are at a crossroads.
We must cast off the shackles of foreign “rule” including but not limited to the Federal Reserve Banking System, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the United Nations. Today, after many years of tyranny and injustice increasing, We the People are convinced it is time to take just action. To demonstrate this, let the facts be presented to an unbiased world, without prejudice.

"They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys. It has worked well for over two hundred years and we're not using it anymore." George Carlin

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Redeclaration continued..

Postby sob900 » Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:27 am

Charges against the federal government and its principals

The federal United States government, acting as a corporation for its own interest alone, has not passed laws for the highest good of the American people.
Instead, the U.S. Congress, in collusion with the Executive and Judicial branches of government, have passed and enforced a multitude of laws that have consistently transgressed its limited constitutional authority.
As a result, the government has taken away the basic unalienable rights of most Americans. Laws are passed for the benefit of special interest groups, the monied powers, the District of Columbia and the State of New Columbia, not on behalf of the sovereign people of the united states of America.

The federal United States government has usurped the powers reserved to the sovereign states and the sovereign “state” Citizens, destroying the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights which were designed as a limitation against the unwarranted expansion of government authority.
By instituting the 14th Amendment under martial law after the Civil War, the federal United States government has conspired against the rights, privileges and immunities of the sovereign "state" Citizens of the United States
Sovereign “states” have been usurped by corporate “States,” merely political subdivisions of the municipal law of the District of Columbia. Local, county home and state "rule," and the separation of powers have been replaced with the supremacy of federal law, effectively destroying constitutional limitations on federal government authority.
Sovereign state Republics, original parties to the U.S. Constitution, are no longer represented by U.S. Senators in the U.S. Senate. Instead, these offices are elected directly by the popular vote of U.S. citizens who are foreigners to the Republic.
After the Civil War, the Republic was attacked by the federal United States government. Then again after the Federal Reserve System was established in 1913, and again after the first bankruptcy of the federal United States was declared in 1933. Since then, we've been operating in a near perpetual state of national emergency.
Under various War Powers Acts, the Trading with the Enemy Act and 470+ consecutive states of national emergency declared by the president each year, the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights have been suspended indefinitely.
The constitutional Republic has been usurped by a legislative Democracy.
The legislative Democarcy has devolved into a corporate, socialist dictatorship orchestrated by the federal United States government, international bankers and transnational organizations. America is no longer a free country.
Federal control over every aspect of the economy has resulted in a corporate, socialist state-controlled system. This has in effect destroyed the independence of local and state economies, the free enterprise system, and individual incentives for productivity, jobs, security. This is a threat to our precious freedom.
The privatization of the public trust has cost the American people their money system, their property, their labor and the freedom for all future generations. This has been accomplished through monumental fraud, deception, coercion, propaganda and disinformation campaigns, non-disclosure, and the usury of a debt-based currency system. The result of such public policy is the bankruptcy of the federal government and the complete confiscation of the property of the American people.
Treaties have been passed to override or ignore the limitations imposed by the U.S. Constitution, state and local laws, and the will of the American people. Having been conned out of our “state” Citizenship, the American people have unwittingly become subjects and chattel of the federal government. The federal government discourages the lawful naturalization of Citizens in the state Republics as it was once done, deciding instead to naturalize foreigners as subjects and as the property of the federal government.
Through the Internal Revenue Service, the federal government has intimidated and conned alleged “taxpayers” into filing, paying and reporting income without a legal duty to do so.

Upstanding and moral judges, attorneys, government employees and elected representatives who dare to speak out against the tyranny in government are silenced, scapegoated, lambasted, discredited, fired or counter-attacked by the IRS.
The IRS is nothing less than the American gestapo extorting a “debt payment” from the American people on behalf of the foreign creditors and international powers. The IRS is nothing less than organized crime operating under the purported immunity of government.
By controlling both the media and the election process, the federal government insures the election of those who support the interests and policies of the special interests and lobbyists, while discrediting any who dare to disagree with the government's position. There are no free elections anymore, and there is little free and independent press. A two-party political monopoly discourages third-party political organizing.
Unelected bureaucrats working in administrative agencies set policies and write regulations contrary to the intent of the U.S. Constitution, even contrary to acts of the U.S. Congress. Administrative agencies, like the IRS, are out of control, operating with fervor to extort and seize property and assets from the American people. All this is done to service a foreign creditor and the foreign powers who control them.
Allodial titles and land patents have been abandoned for generations because of bank mortgage loans and title insurance fraud. Public lands are held by the county and state trustees on behalf of the the federal government in its corporate capacity on behalf of its creditors and foreign principles. All the property and deeds have been hypothecated as collateral against a federal debt which can never be paid off. We the People are “serfs” relegated to “renting” the land and paying tribute to the feudal landlords.
Federal and State court systems are monopolized by “attorneys” having accepted a Titles of Nobility (e.g., Esquire) from a foreign powers and international organizations in direct conflict with the U.S. Constitution. The federal government has passed a myriad of laws and regulations subjecting the American people to endless regulation and control over their lives and business.
Many Americans are forced to comply with these confusing laws and regulations or lose life, property and freedoms without due process of law. Attorneys, courts and judges have conspired to rob the American people of their property and rights to execute a bankruptcy against the American people of behalf of the creditors of the federal United States.
The federal government has secured the tenure of federal judges, their salaries and benefits, guaranteed the judges immunity from prosecution and have destroyed evidence and routinely obstructed justice whenever convenient or necessary. The federal government has long held a double standard of justice, one for the people and one for government officials.
The federal government has, since the birth of the Republic, grown larger and larger each year, with so many rules and regulations that the lion's share of productivity has been plundered from the people without due compensation or gratitude. Government employees take little or no responsibility for preserving the public trust or serving the people who pay their salaries and pensions. Government employees hold an attitude of contempt for the hands that feed them.
The size and expense of the federal government has grown each year, finding it necessary to keep standing armies among us to secure the government's interests. They have instituted a vast war machine that has not ceased even in times of peace.

Military and police power has replaced the civilian power of the people. The attorney-police-prison state has become the top funding priority of the post-Cold War federal government. It is now turning the war machine against its own people.

Injustices against the American people

The federal government has been corrupted by special interests that the “laws” passed by them have resulted in tyranny, injustice and increasing social disintegration and violence. We the People have had virtually no voice or representation in the government for generations. The federal government has combined its power with private interests to subject the American people to a jurisdiction foreign to the U.S. Constitution, unacknowledged by our laws, and giving false consent to pretended legislation under the color of law.
Here are some of the injustices that have resulted:
Through private and international treaties, foreign troops and international police are quartered in our communities for the future martial law control of the American people. There are plans for the confiscation of guns and destroyhing all self-defense capabilities of the people. Concentration camps are constructed to house American citizens who refuse to cooperate with the New World Order.
Murders and crimes by government sponsored mercenaries in other countries are covered up and go unpunished. Evidence and crime scenes (e.g. Waco, Murrah Federal Building, World Trade Center) are destroyed and the media is cooperative in the obstruction of justice. The federal government operates as a front for organized crime, including the importation of dangerous drugs and narcotics.
Free trade is sanctioned only for the huge cartels and monopolies with the money and influence to conspire against the American people and committ treason against the U.S. Constitution. In their silence and complicity, our elected representatives have consented to treason.
Income taxes, liens and levies are imposed upon the American people without due process of law, and without a valid assessment process. Citizens are being prosecuted and property seized based upon the fraudulent income tax.
A trial by a jury of one’s “peers” is impossible for a sovereign “state” Citizen. Juries are selected from “voters,” “drivers,” or U.S. citizens only. Juries are instructed by biased judges to consider only the facts and not the law in criminal cases. Attorneys monopolize the justice, legal, and political system and tamper with grand juries and evidence.
Pretended crimes and trumped up charges are created to indict those who dare to dissent or object to the tyranny of the government. Property is seized as an act of war against the people of the united states of America on behalf of our true accuser, the creditors of the federal United States. Our prisons are full of innocent people who have dared to speak out against the crimes committed by our own government.

The substantive, constitutional Common law system has been all but abolished and replaced with a statutory Equity/Admiralty law system operating in a foreign jurisdiction. Under private international law, the nature of the crime and the cause of action is not revealed. You are not given an opportunity to face your true accuser. Crimes without victims (i.e., drugs) are prosecuted by the State resulting in the loss of freedom, liberty and property for millions of Americans.
The federal government has wrought great destruction upon the American people by experimenting on us, like guinea pigs, for generations (e.g., radiation, medical, military). Such abuse has wrought havoc and despair upon the lives of so many American people. The government has often justified such actions as necessary for national security, and to bring about the total submission of the people and the American way of life.
Due to lack of full disclosure and by fraud, the federal government has effectively robbed the American people of their lawful Citizenship and unalienable rights to enhance their own power.
Through monetary gain, media manipulation, and government schools, the federal government has forced our fellow Americans into government service and subject status by becoming de facto federal government employees, receiving Social Security Numbers (SSNs), benefits and volunteering into the tax system through the 1040's and W-4's.
Incentives have been created to make federal police agents of all Americans (e.g. Citizen Corp). Government paid informants falsely testify for profit, lie to avoid prosecution, and engage in spying against their fellow Citizens. The immorality of our own government is conclusive and condemning.

All remedies exhausted

During the entire period of these injustices and oppressions, We the People have petitioned the government at every level for redress of grievances. We have begged our representatives to listen in the most humble of terms. We have filed lawsuits and sought remedy and recourse in the courts. Every plea has to date gone unheard and has been ignored. Our every petition has been answered only by repeated injury. From these actions it is quite obvious that this government is tyrannical, moving swiftly toward a totalitarian state, and unfit to rule a free sovereign people.
We have appealed to and petitioned our federal government. We the People have warned them from time to time about how we feel about the rule-making of the U.S. Congress and the extraordinary authority of the President, but to no avail.
We have reminded them that we believe America was founded on freedom, and we continue our search and demand for a better life without unnecessary regulations, laws and the forces of occupation.
Today, as yesterday, We the People have appealed generally to the UnCOMMON SENSE and compassion to do what is naturally right for a free people. We have called upon our common kindred in the government, instructing them that a continuation of these actions would result in the breaking of our common bond with them. Our words have fallen on deaf ears. They are deaf to the voice of justice. They are loathe to value freedom.

We have organized militias to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. We have been lambasted by the government and the media as criminals, anarchists, white supremacists, racists, domestic terrorists, and other derogatory terms for daring to expose government corruption.
Today, as yesterday, We the People are forced to announce our individual separation from the tyranny and corruption of the federal United States government and its political subdivisions, and regard them as enemies in war, friends in peace.

Statement of Sovereignty

Therefore, having no lawful representation and as an American Citizen of any one of the several free and independent, sovereign states of the Union, as the free and sovereign people under the state and federal constitutions, We the People hereby appeal to our Creator for approval of our action, hereby re-declaring our independence.
We the People each solemnly declare that we are and of right ought to be free and independent of the monopolistic, tyrannical government which is presently called the federal United States. That We the People hereby reclaim our lawful sovereignty under the laws of the united states of America, hereby restoring the constitutional Republic.
We no longer owe allegiance to the U.S. Congress of the United States or its immoral, illegal and unjust statutory regulations called “laws” which cannot be laws because they are not in accord with justice or natural law, and that all political and commercial ties with the federal United States Inc. are hereby totally dissolved. That we hereby restore a constitutional money system based on gold and silver and the lawful definition of a dollar. That we hereby restore a constitutional Common law court, grand jury, and the law of the land.
That as free and independent, sovereign men and women, We the People have the power to wage war, make peace, make alliances with other jurisdictions and nations, promote trade, and do all the other things that free and independent people have the right to do.
And in full support of this “Re-Declaration of Independence,” with a firm reliance on the protection of our divine Creator, We the People mutually pledge to each other, all declared sovereign individuals, our lives, our destinies, and our sacred honor.

Date: July 4th, 2006
"They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys. It has worked well for over two hundred years and we're not using it anymore." George Carlin

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