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Postby sob900 » Mon Aug 07, 2006 12:31 pm

August 7, 2006


As violence continues to escalate in the Middle East it can now be reported that China is holding the financial trump card on multi-trillion dollars of non-performing old oil and gold derivatives aka the Chinese line of credit.

Israel's Bank Bank of Leumi along with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank and the Bank of England are very close to being placed in Chinese receivership.

Fires in London and Canada over the last month destroyed records that implicate the British-MOSSAD Box gang in book cooking and the disguise of the back door theft of billions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury.

This also ties into the theft of the French commissions due major intelligence officers and government officials (still alive) dating back to the 1980's. Any Questions just ask Nancy Reagan.

Note: Colleagues of Ambassador Leo Wanta Commander in chief of the Russian Ruble operation have been assassinated over the last fifteen years because of their patriotic activity aka the destabilization of the Russian Ruble. Reference the list of assassinated individuals includes Freddy Woodruff, Howie Kwok, Jean Pierre Truseau, and former Clinton White House official Vincent W. Foster.

Of course, former Director of CIA William Colby was also murdered right before he was to blow the whistle on this criminal gang. All these murders have been traced to the Israeli MOSSAD and British Mi6, aka the handlers for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate.

Major bank records in Beirut, Lebanon kept secret by a covert French-U.S. Interpol team have been the real targets of the Israeli Offensive Operations in the Middle East aka the aerial bombardment in Lebanon. These records are the final financial instructions in what is known as the Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols.

PS Vatican warns Israel that bombings in Christian enclaves in Lebanon will lead to an extraordinary response unknown to Israel at this time.
PPS - Does Putin remain the Hezbollah Bank Dick?
PPPS - Warning to Coke Roberts Boggs, formerly of ABC News, you will be exposed for what you are, a media whore. European Press now aware of your role in concert with then Watergate counsel Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton in the cover-up of the Assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. So quit promoting this unelectable bitch for President. Note: It was Bill Clinton, Daddy Bush's Bitch, that drove Roberts-Boggs father, Hale Boggs (Warren Commissioner) to the airport before his fatal plane flight to Alaska.

Emergency Update

Emergency Conditions On All Fronts

Middle East Update Etc.

Syrian Army continues to mobilize, direct integration of Russian Special Forces on the ground in Syria. US Military split as Michigan and Pennsylvania Flag Officers threaten to arrest mentally ill Bushfraud before Karl Rove and Occupunk Bush start World War III.

Note Rove scripting US foreign policy based on domestic US politics with twin objectives.

Take the Iraq war debacle off the front page and continue to reinforce his Republican base. Bush's political base mainly in the American south are the noted Christian evangelical religious fascists. These religious fascists believe in a Biblical Armageddon in the Middle East and the re-emergence of a new American Confederacy with Bushfraud aka their Jesus Christ/Jefferson Davis/Mossad Cross dresser as Martial Law Dictator.

Note: The Bush Crime Family which hails from the North East originally and is connected to the secret Skull and Bones Society actually disdains American Southerners. Daddy Bush once told Bushfraud aka George Jr. Campaign in the south and keep it simple, remember these are busters, they just want a belly full of beer and a Bible in their back pocket and a whorehouse on Saturday night. We clearly will not invite these people to the Kennebunkport, Maine.

Raul Castro has been directly linked to Rafi Eytan and the Israeli Mossad and their Underground financial derivatives. They are also linked to the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Conrad Black, Chicago Sun-Times and former Republican Governor of Illinois George Ryan.

Castro not only has former Illinois Governor Ryan but had direct business dealings with noted Clinton-Bush fixer Marc Rich aka sugar futures trading in New York.

Raul also conspired with Hillary Rodenhurst-Clinton to send Elian Gonzales back to Cuba in the Year 2000 Presidential Election as to aid her business partner Bushfraud and screw then Vice-President Albert Gore Jr. in his attempt to carry the State of Florida. in the Year 2000 Election.

Rodenhurst-Clinton later conspired with drug dealer Carlos Lehder and Lehders' attorney, Hugh Rodham and noted pedophile James Baker III in the direct theft in the State of Florida in the Year 2000 Election.

PS - Rupert Murdoch now fingered for allowing Fox News to be used by the NSA, Mossad and British Mi6 to spy on US Flag Officers opposed to Bush and Blair.

It should be noted that Bushfraud considers Abraham Lincoln as his hero vis a vis Martial Law dictates, NSA spying and fascist activity directed against the American People.

Pat Robertson noted religious fascist now uses Bush's homosexual activity for blackmail to protect his investments in Africa. Bush ignores Robertson's financial activity.
"They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq. Why don't we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys. It has worked well for over two hundred years and we're not using it anymore." George Carlin

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