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Trying to get back into the swing of things and a CANADA ?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:46 am
by DesertSkye

Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I have missed being here. I know alot of you have sent emails and messages asking how my mm dazeemay is doing.

I had given alot of you my email at work. She is doing ok but in the last couple of weeks is showing something again not right on the EKG. They are nt sure whats going on, but, have added more meds and she has to go weekly for more tests. I will try to keep you posted.

I haven't updated my profile but my new email is [email protected].
I had to take a leave from work in Jan because my husband(we had only been married 4 mo) fell at home changing a light bulb and broke his neck so that is why my mom and I have been away from the site. He was in the hosp for 3.5 mo.

He is from Canada and the fall took everything from us including his ability to be here in the US. So he headed up there for six mo to see if we could find another avenue to process employment papers etc. We had opened a business together whichhe was pretty much running doing light construction landscaping etc.
He has limitations now physically and we had to shut it down.

He had to leave a week ago and while on the way up there I got a call from guess who??????

CPS in CANADA! They had taken his son away from his mother and he has been in foster care now for 8 weeks. This mom never allowed my husband to see his one n the family was allowed to have contact with the son or his family . my husband went to court five times after he found out he was born and they never showed so his lawyer told him to giv eup. He is now ten yrs old.

I sent him a link ot the sight . He has a meeting with them today. We don't know what to expect or what will happen.
He wasn't planning on staying permanently and has no where to live (hes temp staying with family) no job etc
I can't believe the timing
so anyone who has a clue on how he/we should proceed with this to give him the best possible chance to at least having visitation rights and not losing his son we would appreciate the help.

Will they give him a chance to get stable ? Will his physical limitations stand in the way? I just hate that I can't be there to help him get thru this!
He doesn't believe CPS in Canada is like it is here in the states so if there are Canada users around can you help him....he is in Winnipeg
We also were without computers for awhile during all this as we had to move out of our home because they could not ramp it for wheelchair access and into my parents basement apt. Our computer died right before this and then my moms died
we finally were able to get another computer but the modem didn't work and I was so stressed out I couldn't fig it out then foudn out it was just outdated but got the new one and oculsdn't fig it out!
we apologize for being away so long and wish we didn't have to come back for the same reason we joined!

Dazeemay says hello![/b]

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2009 11:12 pm
by Greegor
Can you update this?