Dhs is a nightmare Minnesota

Drug abuse, treatment, research, and laws.

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Dhs is a nightmare Minnesota

Postby skramer67 » Wed Nov 13, 2013 3:42 pm

My Grandson was taken at 1 week old. He was born 3 wks early and because of the mothers past they assumed that she was using still so they did a drug screen on her which tested positive for meth and amphetimines. they also tested the babies stool which tested pos for the same. when they went to court the judge ordered a hair follicle test which came back negative. she has passed all her subsequent drug tests and has been following the plan set forth by DHS. She lost her 4 previous children due to her drug use 1 1/2 yrs ago and since then has gotten clean and has really been trying to do well because she didn't want to lose this baby. i just dont understand why since the baby was taken because of this initial drug test when the baby was born why since getting the results of the hair follicle test this case is still ope. that test proves that she hasnt been using?? I am so afraid that they will not give my grandson back to my son and his girlfriend. My son told them i would be willing to take the baby and they told him "NO". I live 1500 miles away but i would be willing to do whatever i had to in order to get my grandson back. Does anyone have any advice on fighting DHS and getting this baby back??

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