false allegations

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false allegations

Postby fraddjeff » Wed Aug 20, 2014 4:27 pm

In June my stepdaughter was falsely accused of molesting my 3 and 5 year old daughters by my ex-wife. We had to meet with a sheriff's deputy to review the charges and to fill out a rebuttal statement. We examined the accusations and found that there was no physical evidence to support the claims made by my ex-wife. The instruments that were claimed to be used were not in the reach of, much less the possession of the 13 year old, the timeline did not correlate with the charge, and some of the charges, if true would have caused heat exhaustion or worse.
The deputy said that he was only taking the statements and was not qualified to perform the investigation. He then referred us to the lieutenant. Upon talking to the lieutenant he said that it was a small crime and he already was working 65 hours a week. Basically he did not care about the case.
To make a long story somewhat shorter, CPS interviewed my 5 year old daughter, whom I love and miss very much, and based on the interview claimed the abuse happened. DCF closed their investigation stating my stepdaughter as the offender. The sheriff's deputy wants to give my stepdaughter a stern warning and CPS wants to finish their report based on an interview with a 5 year old; ignoring the physical evidence as well as the full situation leading up to the claims.
By the way, a couple of weeks before the allegations, my ex-wife said things like "I will take the girls and there is nothing you'll be able to do about it" also she threatened that my new love and her daughter were not going to replace her. all of this has been documented in my journal and all of my texted have been saved, but still DCF, CPS, and the local sheriff's department does not seem to care. They also do not care that the 13 year old has a counselor that has seen her more than the CPS Forensic Psychologist saw my 5 year old and does not agree with the findings. What the sheriff's department does not realize is that this so called minor crime will ruin the life of a 13 year old, as well as take two little girls away from a father who simply wants to be a father to them and place them in the custody of a woman who's selfish jealousy has led her to teach my 5 year old to say things that should never be known or said by an adult much less a child. It's only minor to him because it does not hurt him. Now that we want him to present his findings and give his statement in front of a lawyer, he says it would be out of his jurisdiction to meet with us at the lawyer's office, which so happens to be in the same county in which he is a deputy. The office is even closer than where we met the first time to his so called jurisdiction.

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