Sharing our Stories

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Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:43 pm

Sharing our Stories

Postby opsavemygirl » Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:15 pm

Hello and thank you all for sharing your experiences. I wanted to stop in to express my sincere gratitude for the support everyone of you has offered another. True strength is found in the suffering advocate. As I try to describe these last 5 months right now I am overwhelmed because I am aware you already know how my angel and I suffer. I promise I will share, it is my duty. Once you have been through these things it is your duty to help as many children as you can. I am the woman walking your little one who got away at target to the security desk to have you paged. I am the woman babysitting 30 preschoolers every month so you can go to a parent meeting. I have no fear when a child is in need and every child on Earth is yours and mine. Thank god my baby girl knows I am that woman. Its what gives me strength along with the comfort of knowing my daughter is alive and where she is. I am so grateful for that comfort. Thank you again, sincerely. I swear on my contained mommy panic you are all in my prayers.

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